Wednesday, July 24, 2013


It was a hectic day after all and I needed a break from the crowded metro life, so I took a side walk and strolled down to the beach. I sat leaning to a coconut tree, close to the sea-shore. The sandy waters were hitting my feet, again and again. I was trying to leave the imprints of my fingers into the sand, but every time the tides returned back to the shore, the marks just vanished. So I sat…  watching people pass me by. The cool breeze was slowly igniting my thought machine and soon I was struggling with one question…


I wonder, if at this very moment, God appeared in front of me and asked “Choose either color for the rest of your life, RED OR BLUE???” That sounds so in genuine of God, but what if he gets adamant and I have next 5 minutes to answer.

Silence for few minutes!!!

I laughed at my imagination and started staring at the beautiful sunset. The sky will be dark in next 10 to 15 minutes. The crazy myth which I had inculcated in my head few minutes ago was still ringing bells.


So finally, I started thinking. Is it Blue???

Nature portrays blue with an expression of both height and depth. The higher you go or the deeper you dig, the more you are surrounded by blue. Blue breeds a notion of divinity. It makes me calm and serene. When I describe a happy ending, it has a blue theme, somewhat like the vast sea meeting the ends of sky.
So, should I go with blue?
I need to think deeper. Is blue so ideal?? Wait a minute.
Blue is an expression of conclusion, not journey.  Life needs a little adventure.. little uncertainty… little spontaneity.. Can blue ensure me that???!!!!!????

So.. is it RED???

Nature has been rather impartial to red. Red is small, not as vast as blue, but red is commanding and determined. It gushes through my veins and gives me life. Red is flashy, it makes me crazy, it provokes me to live a life out of comfort zone. When I am red, I have a fear of falling, but I dare. When I am red, I am unsure of my endeavors, but still I take the risk. Red is youth, Red is blaze like the shining sun in the sky.

So, is RED the one I should opt for.  Ohh.. there comes a doubt, alas!!!

Red gives me a purpose, but it kills my peace of mind. It makes me run till eternity, behind endless dreams, clueless where to stop.

The discussion initiated by my mind is now killing me…
Whats the right answer:                      Red        or         Blue?
                                                    Struggle       or         Peace??
                                                  Adventure      or         End???

I closed my eyes. Thoughts were pouring in my head, each one more powerful than other. EXHAUSTED, I opened my eyes and what I saw next was unbelievable.

At the far end, I saw the sea marching at its feverish pace up to the infinity. Above me was the faint blue sky, bidding a farewell to the fading sunlight.


Delicately wrapped between the two extremes was the red aura of the sun, blending perfectly in its background. Each color was mingled with such flawlessness, that it was hard to demarcate between the two opposites. WOW!!! Nature has delivered its message brilliantly. There can never be a blue or a red alone. Life will blend all the colors in one lifetime. That’s the beauty.. That’s the justice..  and when you will look back from the other end, you will find everything beautiful, undoubtedly. I turned back again to look at the sky and what I saw was this...

The radiating sun was safely comforting itself into the heights of the never ending sky and the depths of the sea!!!

So, here I put a break to the train of my thoughts and return back to the atrocities and fantasies of modern life.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Intervention

Walking along the sidewalks of the city,
Watching the sunshine faint into dimness of the night sky,
I whisper in the silence of twilight,
the songs of joy and happiness.

While the moonlight was good enough to guide me in the dark,
A little bright star made me curious tonight.
Although small it seems,
I know its more than a streak of light.

From the times of rest to the times of test,
I have cherished this moment everyday in my life,
when I walk through the darkness of trees,
and think of all the memories I own.

But tonight is different,
Something new has knocked upon the doors.
Although the moonlight overshadows the very existence of the star,
The momentary blink of the star overpowers that scar.

I find your intervention in my life thrilling,
Like a star, small but strong and motivating.
I could never figure out when you came into my thoughts and eventually into my life.

And now, when I am trying to drive myself away from you,
I find your presence magnetic, holding me back
despite of the moonlight that still surrounds me.

And at times, when the moon hides behind the clouds of reality,
I have you, to guide me to the place where I belong.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Its A New Day

I have just opened my eyes and the day has welcomed me with a cloudy weather,

water everywhere. A spine of chill ran through my entire body as a blow of wind hit

me through the window pane. Some mornings are different from the rest, I realized.

There is something special about this day. The appearance of the sun is quite hazy

today, but still I am feeling a thrill and enthusiasm in me. Out of blue, I have just

picked up my pen and diary and started to paint something thoughtful on this piece

of paper.

Why is it so that no birds are chirping, but still, I am knitting new dreams in the

cacophony of rain drops hitting harsh on the roof top. Rather the cadence of the

random beats is giving me new ambitions to accomplish in life. I just stepped out of

the hostel and landed on a muddy heap of water, but this isn’t discouraging me,

somehow it is making me more confident to face the unexpected hardships of the

life. I took my umbrella and strolled down the lane. The road is full of pedestrians

with colorful umbrellas. I think that this rainbow impression gives the perfect ending

for such a start of day….

Life is all about welcoming the surprising instances. We never plan a rain or a sun

shine for us. But we can plan a perfect rainy day or a perfect sunny day. Living a

perfect planned life is yet another form of failure. Unwelcomed twists and turns not

only make you strong but at the end of the day, give you a new story to add to the

resume of your experiences. Try to implement impossible, take new challenges,

never fear risks, and in the end, never give up. Society will rebel against you, but

once you have success, these dumpsters will applaud you. A person who fears the

mob is like a lion fearing from a herd of deer. And in the end you will die of hunger

and thirst. Quench your desires with the water of your hard work and dedication. Be

a rock, when you are rebelled but be a rubber, to adjust to the changing

circumstances. Surprise yourself with your hidden aura… J